Celebrating those who go unnoticed in Upwey

Upwey CFA award recipients for 2023. PICTURE: SUPPLIED

By Tanya Faulkner

It’s those behind the scenes who often go unnoticed, and it’s those people in the Upwey community who are being brought to centre stage.

The Upwey CFA have recently held their first Dinner and Awards night since 2019 on the evening of Saturday 21 October, with members recognised for their service to the CFA, and several awards handed out to worthy recipients.

Upwey CFA captain Cliff Pancutt said it’s great to see that the members are actually recognised for the time and effort they put in.

“There is a lot of time that they put into training, community events, and community education.

“It’s purely volunteer, and to be recognised for that and also for the work they do on the fire ground, within Victoria, and interstate when they go away to fight fires.

“No one signs up and does this for the recognition, but it’s really good that the authority and government does honour and recognise those people for service,” he said.

The CFA has four award categories for its members, including Brigade Awards, CFA Service Awards, Commendation Awards and National Service Awards.

For the Brigade Awards, Mr Pancutt said each year they try to recognise individuals that have had an outstanding year, and go that extra mile to do something that’s above and beyond the others they’re working around.

“We also try to focus on our new members that have come into the brigade, and had an exceptional first year,” he said.

Mr Pancutt said the brigade has junior members, non-operational and operational members, and a lot of non-ops do a lot in background and don’t necessarily get recognition.

“Our brigade has introduced a recognition award for its non-operational members to make sure they also get the recognition they deserve,” he said.

This years’ Best Fire Fighter of the Year went to Graham Brew, the Most Improved Fire Fighter was awarded to Jesse Heyman, the Best First Year Fire Fighter was shared between Diego Caldarola and Bridget Evans and the Best Non Operational Member went to Kerry McAleer.

Mr Pancutt said Ms McAleer’s award was most fitting for her dedication both within and outside of the brigade.

“It’s worthy noting, we knew we made the right choice when she opted not to attend brigade dinner – not realising she was up for it – but attended the function as a volunteer at the Upwey RSL.

“We held awards night at the RSL, and she knew that but also said they needed workers, so she would be there in that capacity.

“It was very fitting that she got the award, and she’s a great member of our team,” he said.

Additionally, Mr Pancutt said the best firefighter award is for operational members that they feel have gone over and above, and have been a great fit all round through both on the fire ground, and off fire ground in assisting the brigade and how it operates.

The Upwey CFA also presented Commendation Awards, which Mr Pancutt said goes to those members who don’t necessarily get recognition, and quietly doing things that they think might have gone unnoticed.

Those who received the commendation awards were Cliff Westig, Brian Neal, Ken Bulkeley and Scott Kendall.

Alongside the brigade and commendation awards, several CFA Service Awards were distributed to members of the Upwey brigade, several of which highlighting the dedication of its members to the CFA.

Of note, Kerry O’Brien was awarded his 65 Year Medal and was named a Life Member of the local CFA, however he unfortunately passed away before being able to accept his award on the night.

The award was presented to one of his family members.

Mr Pancutt said these awards showcase the years of dedication the recipients have dedicated to the CFA, and also highlights the changes being experienced through its volunteers and the community.

“The whole dynamics of volunteering has changed in recent years – particularly with Covid-19.

“To continually see that we’ve got members that are achieving the 10, the 15 and the 20 years, and ongoing, is fantastic to see.

“We had several recipients between that five and 15 year mark, and we’re hoping we can hang onto those volunteers,” he said.

Several Upwey CFA members were recipients of the National Service Award for 2023; an award introduced by the government as a recognition of emergency services workers, and is applicable to operational members only that meet criteria of diligent service over their years.

The National medal represents 15 years of diligent service to the CFA, with a clasp awarded to those who have already got the medal, but are being recognised for an additional 10 years of service.

To wrap up a weekend full of celebration and successes for the Upwey CFA, they have also received a donation of $2500 from the Dandenong Ranges Community Bank Group, and their friends at the Fat Goat also donated a further $1200 to the brigade as part of their Octoberfest and fifth birthday celebrations.