Defibrillators now accessible at every staffed train station in Melbourne

AEDs are now available at every staffed Melbourne train station. Picture: ON FILE

Victorians now have access to automated external defibrillators (AEDs) at every staffed station across Melbourne’s train network.

There are now an extra 71 devices across the Metro Trains network, taking the total to 112 AEDs – helping to provide live-saving support to passengers in case of an emergency.

“We have the best cardiac arrest survival rate in Australia thanks to over 6,700 AEDs in public places, but also our paramedics and brave bystanders who have learned CPR and are willing to step in to help during an emergency,” Minister for Ambulance Services Mary-Anne Thomas said.

AEDs can save lives in the case of sudden cardiac emergencies, with Ambulance Victoria data showing that CPR combined with a defibrillator can increase a person’s chance of survival by up to 70 per cent.

The latest Victorian Ambulance Cardiac Arrest Registry (VACAR) Annual Report revealed paramedics responded to a record 7,830 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in 2022/23, up 6.4 per cent from the previous year.

The report also outlined a record 139 cases where a member of the public used an AED to assist someone in cardiac arrest. In these instances, 53 per cent survived – this compares to just 26 per cent of people who survived without immediate bystander intervention prior to Ambulance Victoria paramedics arriving on the scene.

Metro Trains have medics at key locations on the network to provide vital assistance in the event of medical issues and staff have received additional first aid training to ensure they are fully up to date with AED usage.

“We’re always striving to make our public transport network safer, and these defibrillators are another example of how we are prioritising passenger wellbeing,” Minister for Public and Active Transport Gabrielle Williams said.

In 2023, there were 617 incidents of passengers requiring assistance from Metro staff, making a fast response important not only for unwell passengers but also to help minimise any disruption to services.

In 2023 Ambulance Victoria released the 2023-2028 Cardiac Arrest Improvement Strategy – outlining their plan to roll out community-based education and participation programs for both adults and children, including learning CPR and how to use an AED.

Ambulance Victoria’s GoodSAM app is also making a difference – integrated with Triple Zero, it quickly connects people suffering cardiac arrest with bystander help until an ambulance arrives.