CFA and council to carry out fire prevention burns in Cockatoo

Smoke expected in Cockatoo as planned burns take place on Friday 8 November. (58887)

The Cockatoo Rural Fire Brigade (CFA), in partnership with the local Council, will be carrying out planned burns in the third Avenue area on Friday 8 November, provided the conditions are suitable.

These burns are being undertaken to reduce the risk of future bushfires to communities and the environment.

Firefighters and emergency management vehicles, including heavy machinery, will be operating in the areas while the burns are carried out.

If smoke affects your area, stay inside and keep windows and doors closed until the smoke passes.

In warm weather, air conditioners may be used with the airflow set on “recycle” to prevent smoke from coming inside.

People with health conditions should follow their treatment plan from their doctor.

People with health conditions, such as asthma, should follow their doctor’s advice and have reliever medication on hand.

For updates on planned burns in your area, visit: or call 1800 226 226.