Now in its ninth year, the Primary School Speech Contest is a Rotary Youth initiative for Grade 5 and 6 students. The program is aimed at helping the development of public speaking skills in the upper primary school years.
Six local primary schools – Cockatoo, Emerald, Gembrook, Macclesfield, Menzies-Creek, and Selby were asked to hold public speaking heats within their schools to determine the two students who would represent their school at the event.
The chosen children spoke for three minutes on a topic from a predetermined list of 15 subjects and were judged by a panel consisting of members from Toastmasters and one Rotarian. The children compete for three prizewinning places, each receiving a Certificate of Achievement and a book voucher. The student who comes first also receives an engraved trophy and one for their school.
The Rotary Club of Emerald held the Primary Schools Speech Contest at Cockatoo Primary School on Tuesday 29 October.
The standard of presentations was high and the competition was close. The winner was Zanna Neilson from Menzies Creek Primary School with her topic ‘A Much-Needed Invention’, second place was taken by Siena Aiello from Cockatoo Primary School and third place was Marija Bommersheim also from Cockatoo PS.
The audience consisted of Cardinia Councillor Jeff Springfield, Rotary District 9815 Governor Colin Byron, Toastmasters Coordinator Marlene Sinclair, Emerald Rotary President Kelly McAllister, Club members and the student’s families.
Zanna will now go through to the Rotary District 9815 Speech Speaking final, being held by the Manningham Rotary Club on 20 November.