Patch Preps all smiles!

Eloise, Jack (front), Leslie and Nina pose on their first day. (Stewart Chambers: 456706_01)

By Tanya Steele

On Wednesday 29 January, schools all over the Dandenongs are welcoming their newest students with a day full of activities designed to ease the transition into formal schooling.

Tucked away in The Patch, the ‘Patch Preps’ put on their bags and hats to step into formal education for the first time.

Assistant Principal Alesha Sangster said prep is such a wonderful year of connection and memory making and our Patch Preps have had a wonderful start to school life.

“There were lots of smiles and one Prep exclaimed, ‘this is the best day of my life’!” she said.

The start of prep is an exciting milestone for young students and their families – as they begin their educational journey, the first day of prep marks the beginning of a new chapter filled with discovery, learning, and growth.

Star Mail photographer Stewart Chambers popped in for a visit to capture the smiles, excitement and everything in between.

“We have 3 lovely small Prep grades of 16 this year so we are excited to know that our students will be well supported with all of their learning and social emotional needs,”said Ms Sangster.

“Our Prep teachers, Karen, Jayde and Sofia are so excited to get to know our little Patchies as the year progresses and welcome new families to our beautiful community,” she said.