‘Man Overboard’ presented by ArtSpace Selby

Gerard Russo - Decay

Selby Community House presents its final exhibition for 2022, ‘Man Overboard’, after an incredibly successful year for ArtSpace Selby, hosting a plethora of visual art from local community members.

Exhibiting from Wednesday 26 October until Saturday 5 December at Selby Community House, ‘Man Overboard’ provides a platform for discussion about the importance of valuing men’s mental and physical health.

The exhibition kicks off with a free opening event with nibbles and live music, open to the whole community.

‘Man Overboard’ is an exhibition focusing on male mental and physical health, providing a platform for discussion about this topic, the exhibition presents artwork from local male artists. ‘Man Overboard’ exhibits a mixed medium of artworks,

The exhibition showcases a mixed-medium presentation of artworks, each reflecting upon the theme of men’s health.

Included within the ArtSpace Selby program is a payment and 100 per cent commission going toward the artists; all of which is accomplished by funding from the Yarra Ranges Council.

Involved within the exhibition is a fundraising initiative for the Belgrave Men’s Shed – formally Selby Men’s Shed. Prints of the artworks will be sold with 100 per cent of the profit donated to the organisation. The fundraiser reflects upon Men’s Sheds as hubs of companionship, purpose and community.

To find out more about this exhibition, visit www.selbyhouse.org.au.