Re-engaging with volunteering in Knox

Volunteers managers from City of Knox met to discuss how to re-engage with volunteers. (SUPPLIED)

On Wednesday 7 September Volunteer for Knox (V4K) held a ‘Network with a Difference’ meeting for 30 Volunteer Managers of not-for-profit Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIO) in the City of Knox.

Volunteer Managers were welcomed to network on the topic of re engaging volunteers post lockdown.

Networking face to face brought a togetherness that organisations have missed during previous lockdowns and all involved appreciated the opportunity to be able to share in the ups and downs of volunteer life.

Not-for-profit organisations rely heavily on volunteers to continue the valuable work that they do and reduced volunteer numbers have impacted organisations putting a strain on the workplace.

Volunteer for Knox are continually looking for ways to support registered VIO’s with resources, guidance, training and creating connections and felt it was very timely to deliver an Art Therapy for Stress Management Workshop during the meeting.

Balance4Life hosted a hands on workshop that allowed volunteer managers to explore ways to have less stress and more balance in life.

Taking time to re-evaluate how to handle stress was very refreshing and left volunteer manager’s feeling renewed to fight another day.

Conversations throughout the morning indicated that volunteers are returning slowly to not-for-profit organisations but with caution.

Volunteer Involving Organisations have had to work hard to gain confidence in their volunteer teams.

Volunteer for Knox’s statistics show that the largest progress being made in volunteering is in the area of disability. More discussions of inclusiveness were encouraged with V4K offering assistance to develop a Disability Action Plan.

Volunteering can play and important role in the lives of people with a disability, offering opportunities for social, economic and cultural inclusion.

Volunteering has been linked to increased health and wellbeing and improved self esteem, while also reducing stress, loneliness and depression.

Continued support for both volunteer Involving organisations and volunteers is key to building stronger connections and as these network meetings have demonstrated we are stronger together.

If you are looking to volunteer contact for further information.