WISE Employment: 30-years of support for the community

Karen, Jackie ,Wayne and Cortney from Wise Employment. 296945_01 PICTURE: STEWART CHAMBERS

WISE Employment can help you every step of the wayiIf you live with disability, injury or illness and are looking to find work.

Australian and not-for-profit, WISE Employment have been supporting people into work across Australia since 1992.

WISE believes the entire community benefits when everyone is supported to achieve their potential and believes all customers are unique with support tailored to provide exactly what you need to thrive.

The passionate, local team will meet with you to understand your skills and career goals, then develop a plan to help you achieve them.

The team are experts in helping you not only find a job, but keep it too. After they have helped you with a resume, interview prep and introduced you to some of their fantastic employers, they will continue to support you in your new role.

WISE can help with workplace modifications, role specific training and equipment, on the job support and a provide a friendly ear to listen and give advice.

If you’re an employer looking for a fantastic new employee – WISE provide pre-screened, job ready candidates that match your unique business needs.

Their services are completely free of charge, and the team can also help you access wage subsidies and supports for your new team member.

WISE Employment customers love the support they are provided, “WISE actually care about you on a personal level, not just a professional level. I feel heard and understood and excited about returning to work.”

The local team would love to chat with you, visit wiseeployment.com.au or give us a call on 1800 685 105.