Open Door Community Church is holding a community event on Friday 16 December from 5:30 in its car park.
There will be a free sausage sizzle followed at 7pm by Carol singing supported by The Steve Pinzone Trio. It is an alcohol free event to be enjoyed by all ages.
The church is located on the corner of David Hill and Moxhams Road.
Open Door Pantry is looking forward to sharing Christmas cheer with special hampers for those living in the local area and registered by Sunday 4 December. Forms are available at the Monbulk Care Shop and in the Pantry.
The Pantry will be closed on Sunday 25 and Monday 26 December and Sunday 1 January. It will then open as usual 9:30am to 5:30pm daily for those struggling to meet living costs.
The Op Shop will be closed for three weeks from Christmas Eve and reopen on the Monday 16 January 2023.
If you are in need of assistance with issues such as financial or family violence, please speak to someone at the Pantry or the Op Shop. We are there to help.
The Monbulk Care Shop should be your first stop for Christmas gifts. There is a wide range of pre-loved goods as well as wonderful home made jams, relishes and sauces perfect for gift giving.
Visit on Friday 2 December for late night shopping at Merry Monbulk Christmas. There is a wide range of home made food products and the staff are happy to help you put together a special hamper for that ‘someone who has everything’.
Christmas Day Service is at 9:30am at Open Door – all are welcome.