Monbulk Dry Cleaners is bedded into the local community

Michael outside the shop. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS 338558_01

I feel very much part of the community, two years down the track since I re-opened Monbulk Drycleaners.

Business has boomed way beyond my expectation, and I am truly grateful for the support from everyone.

I have tried to make the shop presentation something different. In my Belgrave shop, (some may remember) I had two little white puppies that barked their way into the hearts of the locals. They have long passed to that kennel in the sky, so my next option was to fill that space with pot plants. I only started with a few, but with much encouragement (and advice) from the many that stop to chat, I have expanded until the jungle effect I have now. Some customers even taking cuttings, or swapping out plants that they fancy. I also decided to add something more dynamic to the front window, with a model train set weaving its way through the trees and bushes. I don’t know who gets more excited…the kids, the adults, or me. With the Cherry blossom room dividers, and the facia above to match…I reckon it’s not a bad look at all, with many compliments received from customers. A good experience together with your business, is what I have set out to achieve.

I am about to add to our wet cleaning machinery lineup, a state-of-the-art computerised 18kg washing machine. The specially programmed cycles, together with environmentally friendly additives, injected at just the precise moment during the wash makes for excellent results. Your doonas, bedding and precious garments will never feel better. With no chemicals involved, and no waste or residue. We pride ourselves on doing our bit for the environment, by delivering a quality service. With the cold months now upon us, time to change over that doona, get the summer one cleaned and stowed away for the good weather to come.

Our trading hours are

Monday – Friday 7am till 4 pm

Saturday 8.30am till 1pm

Looking forward to seeing your faces in the street, thank you Monbulk and surrounds – Michael