Treating osteoporosis

Back in Motion can help treat osteoporosis and osteopenia through a specially designed exercise program. Picture: SUPPLIED.

Osteoporosis is when the structure of the bone becomes less dense and thus weaker which increases the risk of the bone breaking. Osteoporosis can affect any of the 206 bones in your body. However, research shows that common sites include hip, wrist, and spine. Low bone density is more common than you think with over one million Australians over the age of 50 years having either Osteoporosis or Osteopenia. Osteoporosis is often a silent disease that usually has no symptoms until the bone is overloaded from a fall or impact resulting in a fracture therefore a lot of Australians may not know they have either Osteoporosis or Osteopenia.

Common risk factors include, family history, low calcium intake, low vitamin D levels, medical history such as low hormone levels, Coeliac disease, Diabetes, certain Breast Cancer treatments or Prostate Cancer, Anorexia Nervosa, corticosteroids, Thyroid conditions, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Kidney or Liver disease, certain Epilepsy, Antidepressant or HIV treatment, lifestyle factors such as low levels of physical activity, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, thin body build or obesity can impact bone health. Speak with your Doctor if you have any questions. Osteoporosis and Osteopenia are diagnosed with a bone density scan known as a DEXA scan or bone density test; you can receive a referral from your doctor. This scan measures the density and health of the bones in your body. The machine is a large, padded table which you lie flat on with an extended arm that passes over your body. The scan usually takes 10-15mins to complete, which you remain clothed. Your doctor will receive the results post scan.

If you have been diagnosed with either Osteoporosis or Osteopenia (the early stage that can lead to Osteoporosis) then exercise can help. Research shows that only certain types of exercise can help with bone health and that not all exercise is created equal when it comes to improving bone health. The ONERO exercise program has been created for people who have Osteopenia and Osteoporosis. It is an evidence-based exercise program developed in Australia that is fully supervised by a certified health professional. It is targeted to improve bone health using high intensity resistance and impact training that is safe and reduces the risk for osteoporotic fracture. An initial assessment and 1on1 sessions are conducted prior to the small group sessions to ensure that your technique is safe as well as assessing your current level to start the program. The program includes fall prevention and balance to help prevent falls as well as lowering fracture risk.

Back In Motion Tecoma and Back In Motion Monbulk run the ONERO program at various times throughout the week. To book in an initial ONERO assessment call us on 9754 8772 or visit us at to find out more and book online your initial ONERO assessment with Cass our Exercise Physiologist