Hills have a hit with Miss

MOUNTAIN Miss offers clothes and accessories for the young and the young at heart and aims to have something to suit most occasions.
Depending on design, sizes available are from six to 16 and styles range from smart casual to light formal.
Also available is an exclusive range of unique casual jewellery and a selection of complementary accessories.
Mountain Miss owner Katie Fletcher has always had the desire to have a shop of her own.
Her extensive experience within the retail chain Myer has enabled Katie to draw on the knowledge gained during this time to assist customers when choosing the most suitable outfit or item.
Since taking over the business at the beginning of February this year, Katie is gradually developing her range and choice of colours and styles to provide a greater number of quality options to appeal to a broader clientele.
“Having done colour coding, I have a good understanding of colours and can help put a coordinated outfit together and make sure that it suits that particular customer,” she said.
A loyalty program has also been implemented by Katie where customers who have purchased 10 items will receive a 25 per cent discount off the next item purchased.
Call in to Mountain Miss at 47 Main Road, Monbulk, and discuss your fashion ideas with Katie.
The shop is open 10am-5.30pm, Monday to Friday, and 10am-4pm Saturday.
Phone 9756 7490.