Sea a whole new world

CELEBRATING a love of marine life, the Boronia Aquarium is holding an open day on Sunday. The day has been designed to create public awareness about marine life as a hobby and to put on a public display of different fish species that are available. Boronia Aquarium owner Chris Rout has invited representatives from some of the major aquarium brands to talk to the public about their products.
Mr Rout said big fish importers and breeders would also talk about how to breed imported fish, where the fish come from and why quarantine laws are so important in Australia.
He said the aquarium, which sponsors the Boronia Junior Cricket Club, will donate money from a fish and aquarium plant auction on the day to the club.
The main attraction will be a free two-hour seminar with Doctor Richmond, also known as “the fish vet”. The seminar will cover issues of fish health, signs of disease, and water quality.
Anyone wanting to catch a bite to eat can enjoy a sausage sizzle hosted by the junior cricket club at the front of the aquarium.
The open day runs from 10am to 5pm at the aquarium. 1/262 Dorset Road, Boronia. For details contact Chris on 9762 2044.