Can’t wait to get going

Jennifer Kok and Charlee Rattray - Maier


DRESSED in their Sunday best – boys and girls hopped, skipped and jumped their way to Belgrave South Primary School for their first day of school.
Little girls beamed with smiles as they told one another they were looking forward to meeting their buddies, some boys a little shyer – content with focusing on the matter at hand, crossing the road in one piece.
Parents proudly walked their kids into the school, excited for what was to come – a glimpse into life as a primary school student for their own children – and a chance to make new friends.
This time, school would start at 2pm and go for just an hour, but the excitement throughout the classroom was evident from the offset – these children were big kids now.
Shown around the school by their big buddies, the soon to be preps were more concerned about holding onto their balloons than worried about where the sick bay was – but their beaming faces said it all – they were glad to be there.