Trawl through the treasures

Firefighters Sonja Schaeffner, Neville Aldham and Martha McKelvey. 110428 Picture: DONNA OATES

ONE man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
So why not head down to the Selby Fire Brigade Fair and Fire Awareness Information Day.
This Saturday the Selby Fire Station will be a hotbed of fanfare as visitors can search for their own treasure, books, homemade cakes, and work their way through a huge selection of plants.
Fire fighters Sonja Schaeffner, Neville Aldham and Martha McKelvey will be on hand to provide information on the upcoming fire season and will be among those to enjoy some tasty treats on the day.
They are still taking saleable donations, too.
Call Sharryn on 9754 2671 or drop off some goods at the side of the fire station.
The fair will start at 9am.