Planted in the community

Many in the community have got behind the plant sale. 136012_01

PREPARATIONS for the Monbulk Recreation Reserve massive plant sale are in full-swing, with the event aiming to raise funds for a much-needed sports pavilion.
To support this community initiative, customers are encouraged to venture out and find a bargain on Saturday 28 March, from 8am onwards, at the Moores Road reserve, Monbulk.
Through this event, the organising committee is aiming to make up the required difference from the government funding already secured.
Presently, the reserve hosts senior and junior football and netball clubs, as well as senior and junior cricket clubs.
The reserve is an important community resource, so organisers are hoping to commence work next year, provided the required funds can be raised.
President of the Monbulk Recreation Reserve and Building Committee Paul Utting said they had received fantastic support.
“We want to thank the 20-plus local nurseries and many other local businesses who have sponsored the event in many different ways, as well as the volunteers who will assist on the day,” he said.
“In particular, this new building will continue to provide local youth with a place to go where greater social connectedness can be offered.”
On sale will be four, six and eight-inch pots, which are offered to both retail and wholesale customers.
Eftpos facilities will be available if required, while other payment methods can be arranged.
Meanwhile, organisers are also looking out for businesses or individuals who would like to become a stakeholder, through the sponsorship of the kitchen or bar facilities.
All inquiries can be directed to Laura Eisele on 0417 519 720.