Upwey-Tecoma footballers will soon have an improved football ground and their neighbours will have peace-of-mind.
In November, 2017, Yarra Ranges Council endorsed the 2018 Capital Development Program in, providing more than $100,000 in grants to not-for-profit groups to improve sport and recreation facilities and support active participation.
As part of that grant Upwey Tecoma Football Netball Club (UTFNC) received $20,575 in funding for netting for behind their goalposts, which are being relocated to maximise the oval’s playing area.
Club President, Mal McKern, said that the nets would ensure that footballs going through the goal posts would be easier to retrieve and would not leave the reserve.
“By moving the goal posts about 10 or 11 metres anti-clockwise, it gives us another two metres on the length of the ground and creates a better position for viewing and for the new lights,” Mr McKern said.
“But by moving the goal posts we needed the netting, because balls are going towards peoples’ homes. We couldn’t move them without looking after the neighbours.
“We’re a not-for-profit, so everything we do, we pay for ourselves – we have a lot of fundraising activities during the year, but the grant makes it exceptional.
“We can do things that benefit everybody for the future.”
Yarra Ranges Mayor, Len Cox, congratulated the club on its successful Capital Development Grant application.
“Our sport and recreation groups are made up of volunteers, who work tirelessly to give young people and adults the opportunity to get active and connect with their community,” he said.
“The work being done by the Upwey Tecoma Football Netball Club will help in transforming the Upwey Recreation Reserve to a community hub and a sporting area that will be the envy of teams around the state.
“I’m proud that Council is able to support our sporting and not-for-profit groups through these programs and look forward to seeing the finished project.”
The Upwey Tecoma Community Recreation and Sports Hub (UTCRASH) Pavilion is also currently being constructed at the Recreation Reserve, as part of Council Capital Expenditure Program and is expected to be opened on Saturday 24 March.