Geoff Pain is the Health Australia Party’s number one candidate for the Eastern Victoria Region.
The Monbulk research scientist will vie for a seat in the Legislative Council, Victoria’s upper house, at the 24 November State Election.
Dr Pain resigned from the Australian Labor Party after 47 years membership, citing a lack of democracy within the party, sanctioning the Trans Pacific Partnership, and pressure from federal “People are looking for alternative new parties and HAP fits the bill,” he said.
Dr Pain will be campaigning strongly to stop fluoridation in Victoria, which is official HAP policy.
He studied biochemistry, chemistry, information science, mathematics and physics at Monash University, then completed his bachelor of science and PhD specialising in organometallic chemistry.
He’s since worked as a researcher in anticancer drugs, for Telstra Research Laboratories in Clayton, lecturing in photonics, and as a consultant in environmental pollution and toxicology.
Most recently he was employed as a consultant by Felton Grimwade and Bosisto’s for projects in natural products and hydration.
Dr Pain said he’d reviewed extensive research over the past 17 years on the effects of fluoride on living creatures.
When not campaigning against environmental pollution and fluoridation, he has enjoyed various hobbies including rifle and shotgun target shooting, gliding, bushwalking and photography.
The Eastern Victoria Region includes the Gembrook, Monbulk and Evelyn Legislative Assembly, or lower house, electorates.