By Derek Schlennstedt
At this year’s Halloween on the Green, organisers have set aside one hour during which there are no crowds or overwhelming stimuli for children with autism.
From 11-12pm on 26 October, loud noises, music and costumes will be minimised so that sensory sensitive members of the community can enjoy the Halloween festival too.
Without the usual piped-in music, PA system and thousands of fairgoers buzzing around, children with autism have the chance to experience something their condition might not normally allow them to.
Communications Director and creator of the hour, Belinda Young explained that the new addition to Halloween on the Green makes the event more accessible and enjoyable to as many members of the community as possible.
“Sensory Free Hour is dedicated to adults and children with sensory challenges,” Ms Young said.
“By having reduced noise levels and minimal costumes and masks, we hope this hour makes Halloween on the Green an event that more patrons can enjoy.”
While the hour is a fantastic addition to the event and every effort was made by the team at Halloween on the Green to ensure this hour is as quiet and costume free as possible, Belinda emphasized the need for ‘adults and parents of children with sensory challenges to assess for themselves whether the event is suitable as everyone’s sensory needs are different’.
Over the hour, no masks will be worn by stallholders of vendors, music on rides and on the stage will not be played until 12pm, and event broadcasts will not be conducted, though a 10-minute warning will be given by stallholders before the sensory hour ends.
For this first hour, entry is also free with the presentation of your Sensory Free Hour ticket.
Sensory Free Hour tickets can be booked by registering on the website at www.halloweenonthegreen.com.au. Tickets will be emailed to all who have registered in the week before the event.
All Sensory Hour patrons are welcome to stay longer than the hour; however, Ms Young noted that that at 12pm, the noise, costumes and atmosphere will quickly increase
If you would like to discuss the event to decide if it is suitable, please email Belinda Young (belinda@philanthropic.org.au) outlining your specific areas of concern.