By Derek Schlennstedt
It’s not like garden plants are a new thing, but never before have they been so in ‘fashion’.
Seriously, plants are now a serious sartorial statement – especially since social media has made our living spaces as important style-wise as the threads, we wear on our bod.
In fact, house and garden plants are having a Pinterest-worthy renaissance, but if you are serious about turning your place into a fashion plant wonderland then you have to make sure you have plants of superior strain.
For example; the simple and un-killable succulent is an easy choice among the working class proletariat, but for the intellect, a bonsai tree is a true symbol of affluence among the plant community.
In general, these impish trees symbolise harmony, peace, order of thoughts, balance and all that is good in nature. In fact, each variety of bonsai signifies something different, making these beautiful and artistic trees wonderful gifts for friends and family.
This year on November 30, the Yarra Valley Bonsai Society is holding a holding a Bonsai Sale Day and Display. The group, based in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne, cater to bonsai enthusiasts of all skill levels.
Yarra Valley Bonsai Club President, Geoff Pettman said that people could get a full fledged bonsai tree or just a seedling at the sale.
“These Sale Days help us raise the awareness of a Bonsai Club in this area, and aim to attract new members, whilst offering some great opportunities for people to purchase bonsai related products at very reasonable prices,” he said.
“Purchasers can remain after the Sale concludes for a free workshop on how to care for the trees they have bought. We will also have a small display of beautifully crafted trees to inspire and delight.”
Sadly for those millennials wanting a pygmy houseplant , bonsais might not be for you.
“Bonsais are not an indoor plant,” he said.
“The idea of a bonsai is to replicate a tree in nature in miniature.”
“Someone will go and get a bonsai tree and give it to a friend for a birthday or Christmas present and they’ll put it in their house, and in three months it’s dead.
“Bonsai’s need fresh air, and sunlight, but you can certainly take it inside for a few days every year when you have visitors.”
So if you want to flex on your friends with your exotic houseplant, or if you just want to plant it in the ground and pretend you’re a giant monster, Bonsai Trees are a great choice.
The Bonsai Display day is held on 30 November from 10am –1pm at the Chirnside Park Community Hub, 33 Kimberley Drive, Chirnside Park.