Pesky plants and weeds have been the focus of a community project in Cockatoo, Gembrook, Mount Burnett and surrounds.
Since December last year, Cardinia Shire Council has been working with local communities to control weeds, especially ragwort, on private properties.
With the support of a grant from the State Government’s Caring for Our Local Environment (COLE) program, the council launched the Cardinia Hills Ragwort Action Project.
It has been helping local communities treat weeds and establish a local Landcare group.
Cardinia Shire community land management facilitator Meghan Lindsay said ragwort is a
noxious weed that impacts ecosystems and waterways, as well as agricultural land.
“Ragwort can be invasive on roadsides, native forests and woodlands, threatening biodiversity
in these areas,” she said.
“It is also invasive in agricultural land and poisonous to grazing animals, both when fresh and dried in fodder.”
“Council undertakes weed management programs on public land using various control
measures, but removing ragwort and other noxious weeds really needs a whole-of-community
approach,” she said.
Cardinia Shire Mayor Jeff Springfield said this project has been a great example of the council, the community and organisations working together to manage weeds.
“The Ragwort Action Project complements the work Council undertakes on public land and through the project we have been able to encourage residents to work together to tackle weed
issues across boundaries,” he said.
“Local Landcare groups play an important role in providing ongoing land management support,
and bring people together to promote sustainable land management and increase biodiversity.”
Cr Springfield said the Cardinia Hills Ragworth Landcare Group has been an important group for supporting weed reduction and he now hopes to support the community to re-establish a Landcare Group as part of the project.
“We need interested members of the community to be involved in the new Landcare group, so
please contact us if you want more information about joining,” he said.
A free weed workshop and walk will be held at the Ash Wednesday Bushfire Education Centre on 21 March from 10am-12pm.
It will aim to provide information about how to identify environmental weeds on properties and methods of control.
For more information contact 1300 787 624 or mail@cardinia.vic.gov.au.