The Round-up

Olinda youth arrest

Four youths were arrested for burglary and damage in Olinda on 29 March.

Police said three 15-year-old females and one 15-year-old male, all local Olinda residents, were arrested during the afternoon after breaking into the Olinda Primary School maintenance shed.

The offenders were conveyed back to the Olinda Police Station and were cautioned for burglary and damage.

Police stations and Covid-19

Local police stations are working to minimise the risk and spread of Covid-19.

Police are asking the public to consider the nature of their enquiry before attending a police station in person.

If documents need to be signed, police ask that personal pens are brought and urgency is assessed before attending.

To report non-urgent crimes and events call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 or visit

For coronavirus enquiries call the Covid-19 Hotline on 1800 675 398.

To report crime or suspicious behaviour anonymously call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or visit

In the case of an emergency or for immediate police attendance contact Triple Zero (000).

Coronavirus scams

Police have received reports about online scams relating to coronavirus.

These scams include emails and text messages offering information about the virus.

Clicking on these links can allow infiltration of a device, corrupt data or allow access to information.

If you think you’ve been scammed, report to

To learn more about scams, visit