By Jessica Anstice
Bookworms will be pleased to hear that Casey Cardinia Libraries is reopening and resuming some programs at most of its branches.
All branches, except for Bunjil Place, will open their doors from Monday 22 June at 10am, after being closed for several months due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Libraries that are reopening include Pakenham, Cardinia Mobile, Emerald, Hampton Park, Endeavour Hills, Cranbourne and Doveton.
The Bunjil Place library will reopen on Wednesday 1 July at 10am.
“At the beginning of the lockdown, we made a decision that while we had to close our doors, we were going to do everything we could to ensure the community felt connected with their library service,” Casey Cardinia Libraries CEO Chris Buckingham said.
“This included providing people with better access to e-resources, establishing a home delivery service and launching this wonderful writing competition.
“It feels like we have all been on a massive adventure together without actually seeing each other, or going anywhere.”
A few changed have been implemented in order to keep the community safe and healthy.
Public computers with internet access will be made available to use, however they will be spaced out to obey social distancing recommendations.
Wifi is also available inside and outside each library.
Upon entering a branch, library users will be asked to provide their contact details to staff members and there will be a limit of 50 people, not including staff, at any one time.
“We are so glad to be back providing vitally important services to our community in person.”