Yarra Ranges residents interested in finding out more about the ecology in their backyard now have the opportunity to do so.
Yarra Ranges Council is asking landowners to help map plants and wildlife on private properties, with assessments being run when restrictions ease.
Council’s Biodiversity Investigations Team is looking for landowners to take part in an ecological assessment of properties, which will inform a plan for the region.
Director of Environment and Infrastructure, Mark Varmalis, said the Yarra Ranges was full of biodiversity, with many species calling private land home.
“We have an incredibly beautiful, thriving and interconnected environment here, with many different species of flora and fauna – some of which can only be found in Yarra Ranges,” he said.
“Privately-owned land makes up about 30 per cent of the land in Yarra Ranges and this land already plays an important part in the biodiversity of the region through vegetation and animal habitat.
The ecological assessments will help inform the council’s Biodiversity Strategic Plan and will focus on the different vegetation types on private land.
“The plan will map out Council’s actions on protecting and enhancing the native environment in Yarra Ranges, including what we do on public land and how we help other levels of government and community members improve the land they manage,” Mr Varmalis said.
“I encourage anyone interested to get in touch using our online form.”
Ecological Assessment Surveys will be organised for when Stage 4 Restrictions end and will be run with an appropriate COVIDSafe Plan.
To express interest in taking part, visit yarraranges.vic.gov.au/ecological-assessment or contact w.fagan@yarraranges.vic.gov.au.