Yarra Ranges Council is encouraging community members to take part in its Pandemic and Storm Impact Survey, to collect their views and experiences and help shape the council’s recovery programs now and into the future.
Information gathered in the confidential, 15 minute survey will ensure that the committed funds the council puts towards recovery will be directed to activities and programs that support those most impacted by the pandemic and storm events.
To ensure the council receives updated and regular feedback as the recovery continues, the survey will be conducted three times a year.
Yarra Ranges Mayor Fiona McAllister said the ongoing surveying of the community will play a key role in where Council prioritises its recovery-focused efforts over the next few years.
“The last 18 months has tested all of us and we know the impacts of both Covid and the storm will be felt for some time yet,” Cr McAllister said.
“The people best placed to tell us how our community are really faring, are the community themselves, so I encourage everyone in the Yarra Ranges, if you have a spare 15 minutes, to please fill out this survey.
“Not only will the data help us direct our recovery funds to the most needed areas, but it will also direct us in terms of advocacy to the higher tiers of government, depending on where the community’s needs lie most.”
Community members are reminded that the survey will contain sensitive issues around mental health and wellbeing, so if any of the questions raise any issues, they can visit Council’s website for a list of support agencies https://www.yarraranges.vic.gov.au/Council/Coronavirus-Updates/Community-relief-and support-agencies.
For more information or to take part in the survey, head to https://shaping.yarraranges.vic.gov.au/pandemic-storm-impact-survey.