By Parker McKenzie
The Victorian Electoral Commission has announced the Yarra Ranges Council by-election for Streeton Ward will be held next February by postal vote.
The by-election was triggered by the resignation of Councillor Cathrine Burnett-Wake after she accepted a Liberal party vacancy in the Eastern Victoria electorate of the Legislative Council following Edward O’Donohue’s resignation in September.
Electoral Commissioner Warwick Gately issued a call to Streeton Ward residents and ratepayers to be ready to have their say.
“You must be correctly enrolled by the close of roll, which is 4 pm on Friday 10 December. As this is a postal election it’s important to check your address details are correct, this includes any alternative postal address,” Mr Gately said.
‘If you’re an Australian citizen who resides within Streeton Ward and you’ve recently turned 18 or moved, and you haven’t enrolled or updated your address, or if you’ve just closed your post office box with Australia Post, you can enrol or update your details online at vec.vic.gov.au/enrolment.”
Council-enrolled voters who were enrolled in Streeton Ward for the 2020 general election for Yarra Ranges Shire Council will be automatically enrolled unless circumstances have changed. Council-enrolled voters can check their enrolment by calling the council on 1300 368 333.
Nominations for candidates open on Thursday 13 January and close on Tuesday 18 January 2022.
“Voting in local council elections is compulsory if you’re a State-enrolled voter, and we encourage council-enrolled voters to vote,” Mr Gately said.
“Your local council makes important decisions about your community facilities, services and local business community, so it’s important to have your say by voting in this by-election.”
Ballots will be distributed through post to every person on the voter roll between Tuesday 1 February and Thursday 3 February before voting closes on Friday 18 February 2022.
Saturday 19 February has been prescribed as Election Day by the Electoral Commission, with Monday 28 February 2022 the latest date all results will be declared.
Around 12,415 Victorians are enrolled in Streeton Ward, which includes Upwey, Sassafras, Olinda and surrounds.
Mayor Jim Child told Star News on 12 November that people living in the Streeton Ward should contact council if they have issues prior to the by-election.
“We don’t want any residents to feel they are unrepresented through this period until the by-election,” Mayor Child said.
“Myself, the deputy mayor or one of us as councillors will be available for anyone who wants to contact us as though we were their normal councillor.”
Yarra Ranges Council last held a by-election in 2015 when Samantha Dunn won the Eastern Metropolitan seat in the Victorian Upper House for the Greens and resigned as Councillor of Lyster Ward.