By Parker McKenzie
Knox City Council’s annual Christmas carol event has moved online this year and there is plenty to be excited about.
The virtual carols will be held on Saturday 11 December from 7.15pm to 10pm.
Knox Mayor Cr Susan Laukens said after a difficult year of Covid restrictions, people in the Knox community are keen to get together to celebrate Christmas.
“We are disappointed that we couldn’t bring the Knox community Carols by Candlelight in person this year, however, our Carols event can attract up to 25,000 people and crowds of this size still present a risk to our community,”
“I am proud to present our virtual program that includes outstanding local and nationally acclaimed performers, sing-a-long carols, and of course, a visit from Santa himself.”
Children’s entertainment will open the show followed by the announcement of the Knox Factor 2021 competition winner.
The Royal Australian Navy band is the program partner for the event and will feature heavily throughout the main carols concert at 8pm.
Leading Seaman and Royal Australian Navy Band vocalist Stephanie McCorkelle said it’s really important to do carols in some capacity.
“I think the most important thing about carols events is actually spending time with family and friends and, you know, sitting on a picnic blanket and enjoying the music and sharing some food, and that can all still be done at home and you get to even be a little bit more comfy on your couch,”
“We get to be the face of the Navy and we get to enjoy engaging with the community and the people in the community, and I think it’s so important that we have that job.
“I think it’s just one of those beautiful things where we get to meet people, everyday people that are out and about, and provide beautiful music for them and bring them a bit of joy.”
The Knox carols songbook is available for download prior to the event via the Knox City Council website.
Cr Laukens said she is proud to present a virtual program that includes outstanding local and nationally acclaimed performers.
“We are pleased to welcome back Craig Irvine, a skilled radio and cabaret performer and teacher, as our Master of Ceremonies. Craig brings a professional edge to our program, with a style and a spirited sense of festive fun,” she said.
“For the 20th year running, our Program Director, Peter Grant OAM has pulled together an incredibly entertaining program of musical talent. I congratulate Peter for his outstanding contributions to our carols for two decades, a remarkable achievement,
“Again this year we are partnering with the Knox Gives campaign, a local support fund managed by Knox Infolink. Please give generously to support locals in need at Christmas time. You can donate at www.knoxgives.org.au”
The full schedule of the event is:
Lah-Lah kids entertainment – 7.15pm
Knox Factor winners announcement 7.45pm
Main carols concert – 8 pm
Welcome to Country with Wurundjeri Elder
Address by Mayor of Knox
Craig Irvine, Master of Ceremony (MC)
Kylie Auldist, Principle Artist
Andrew Swift, Principle Artist
The McNaMarr Project
Director of Music, Lieutenant David Coit leading The Royal Australian Navy Band Melbourne
Tracy Kennedy and Stephanie McCorkelle, vocalists for The Royal Australian Navy Band Melbourne
The Chime Choir
Knox Factor 2020 winner, Lynn Ng
Christmas message by Knox Interfaith Network
3D Arts presents Santa’s Arrival