Knox City Council has extended the consultation period in regards to the future development of 100 hectares of privately owned land in the Basin.
Instead of the originally announced closing date of 12 December, resident of the Basin will have the opportunity to raise any concerns over the development of Dobson Creek and the surrounding area until 23 December.
Consultation for the strategy began in March last year with a second round of consultation coinciding with an independent expression of interest process to sell the land.
Knox City Council said there are several safeguards already in place to limit future development of this land.
“The site is entirely located outside the Urban Growth Boundary, which limits any potential for more intense development,” council said.
“Any change to the Urban Growth Boundary requires majority support of both houses of the Victorian Parliament.”
Council said a full planning scheme amendment process would then be required to rezone the land.
“Council’s ability to challenge any inappropriate development proposal depends on the evidence we can provide to justify our decisions and demonstrate how we are planning for housing needs and other social and economic outcomes elsewhere.” council said.
This process would involve community consultation and require approval from both Knox City Council and the Minister for Planning.
The Green Areas and Rural Strategy cover extensive green wedge land that is important for agriculture, rural living, biodiversity and recreation.
This includes all land outside the Urban Growth Boundary, and Council said it will be an important document to guide land owners, developers, Council and adjudicators such as VCAT about what is and isn’t appropriate in any future development of these areas.
“The strategy proposes specific actions to protect the unique environmental and social values of each precinct,” council said.
“Proposed actions include habitat restoration, protecting view lines and cultural heritage, supporting agriculture and tourism, walking and cycling connectivity, and improved access to parklands.”
Consultation closes Thursday 23 December. For more information and to contribute to the consultation visit knox.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay.