By Parker McKenzie
Several key bridges in national parks and conservation reserves remained damaged and unusable after the 2021 June storm event, with one having no time frame for assessment and repairs to begin.
Currently, Sassafras Creek Nature Conservation Reserve is closed as it awaits repairs to bridges and bridge 9 at Lyrebird Falls, bridge 17 at Baynes Park Road and a bridge on Wattle Track in Sherbrooke Forest are all damaged.
President of Friends of Sassafras Creek Jane Hollands said the group is concerned about the bridges in Sherbrooke Forest and Sassafras Creek nature conservation reserve that were damaged by the recent storms.
“Parks Victoria had a meeting with us last week and it isn’t until September this year that two of the bridges damaged in the storms will be repaired,” she said.
“In June 2023 another two will be looked at and funds will be available, but they need to build them. One of the bridges, they don’t even have any plans yet to repair them.”
Upper House MP and former Streeton Ward councillor Cathrine Burnett-Wake called on the State Government to prioritise repairs of these bridges in a speech in parliament.
“It was heartbreaking to see these much-loved parks in the Dandenongs damaged during the 9 June storms last year. Trees fell and damaged multiple bridges and tracks across the mountain, and eight months on they remain damaged,” she said.
“Visitors are being encouraged to come and visit these beautiful parks only to find areas of the parks closed and bridges broken. Many people are still visiting the area and ignoring the closures.”
A Parks Victoria spokesperson confirmed Bridges 9 and 18 along Sassafras Creek and access to Wattle Creek Track at Sherbrooke remains closed.
Ms Hollands said the closure of bridges interferes with important conservation practices.
“The storm recovery is a long process and we understand that, but they are just starting to do insurance assessments of some areas,” she said.
“We want Parks Victoria to repair these bridges in a timely way so we can all get and enjoy the reserve.”
Information regarding parks opening and closures can be found at www.parks.vic.gov.au/news/2022/02/25/01/33/more-parks-reopen-as-storm-response-continues