Schools in Ferntree Gully and Belgrave can apply for a share in $1 million of funding through the 2022 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants.
The grants, funded through the sale of reusable shopping bags, offer Ferntree Gully and Belgrave schools and early learning centres up to $1000 each to develop projects focusing on sustainability, waste management and enhancing natural habitats.
Woolworths Victorian State Manager Sarah Gooding said educating young Ferntree Gully and Belgrave kids on growing a green future through hands-on learning is an incredible way to make an impact for future generations.
“The life-long skills that these young students will gain help to plant the seeds for a more sustainable and environmental future,” she said.
“Last year, our Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant program saw the highest number of applicants ever. This increased demand is promising to see, as we understand schools and early learning centres in Ferntree Gully and Belgrave are wanting to provide enhanced lessons on sustainability in classrooms.”
In 2021, Ferntree Gully North Primary School and Heritage College Knox won Woolworths Junior Landcare grants to support sustainable food production projects.
Ferntree Gully North Primary school used the grant to support their enhancing natural habitats project and Heritage College Knox used the grant to help support their Gardening Club Program’s sustainable food production project.
Upper Ferntree Gully Coonara Early Learning Centre also won a grant for their sustainable food production project.
The Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants program was launched in 2018 and is funded through the sale of Bag for Good. To date, 2760 primary schools and early learning centres across Australia have shared in more than $3 million in grants.