Recovery works will be taking place at the 1000 steps and Lyrebird Track in Ferntree Gully until Saturday 4 June, Parks Victoria has said.
In a Facebook post, Parks Victoria said the Lyrebird track will re-open on June 4, subject to weather, though the 1000 Steps will remain closed for insurable repairs.
“Works will include the treatment of hazardous trees and hangers, as well as clearing of debris from the track.” Parks Victoria said in a Facebook post.
“Several trees have been identified as a safety concern and will be removed.”
The two popular hiking and walking destinations have been closed since the 2021 June storm event.
“Work crews and heavy machinery will be working in areas, hence the restrictive access to the area during works,” Parks Victoria said.
“Biodiversity and cultural heritage assessments have been undertaken to ensure important areas and values are protected.”
For more information on park closures, visit www.parks.vic.gov.au/get-into-nature/safety-in-nature/changed-conditions-and-closures