Drug drivers caught

Police conducted Operation Regal over the long weekend. 253041_15

Police officers caught 21 drug drivers across Cardinia over Operation Regal over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend.

Along with the 21 drug drivers were three drink drivers, nine disqualified drivers, seven unlicensed drivers and 19 unregistered vehicles.

There were 73 speeding offences, two mobile offences and two seatbelt offences.

Eight people disobeyed signs or signals and four vehicles were impounded.

Victoria Police launched Operation Regal on Friday 10 June – a four-day statewide road policing effort to reduce road trauma and target poor driving behaviour.

More than 5000 offences were detected during a major road safety effort.

There have been 107 lives lost on Victorian roads this year, 12 higher than the same time last year (95).

Pedestrian fatalities have more than doubled, with 16 pedestrian deaths compared with six at the same time last year.

With six lives lost to date in June, police are urging motorists not to be complacent during the remaining winter months.

Victoria Police assistant commissioner for road policing Glenn Weir said now was a critical point in turning the year around.

“It was pleasing to see the majority of road users doing the right thing over the Queen’s Birthday weekend, with reduced levels of road trauma overall,” Mr Weir said.

“However, it’s completely unacceptable that so many motorists are continuing to take risks on our roads – especially with wet weather to contend with.

“Police will continue to target and enforce against those who engage in risky driving behaviour, and we make no apologies for this.”

Operation Regal concluded at 23.59pm on Monday 13 June 2022.

For more information and tips for staying safe on the roads, visit police.vic.gov.au/road-safety-0