By Tyler Wright
Plumbers in the Dandenong Ranges plumbers are being called on by Yarra Valley Water to attend an information session on Thursday 7 July at 74 Main Road Monbulk from 4.30-5.30pm.
The session, held at the Yarra Valley Water Community Sewerage Program shop, will cover an overview of the authority’s Community Sewerage Program, pressure sewerage systems 101, what is involved with a pressure sewerage connection and what is required from a technical and plumbing perspective in regards to connecting households.
“We’re holding an information session for our contractors to let them know about upcoming works in the Dandenong Ranges area,” Bridie Fennessy, Yarra Valley Water general manager, distribution services said.
“We encourage local plumbers who are interested in finding out more about our new pressure sewerage system to come along to the session,” Ms Fennessy said.
To register, visit bit.ly/PSSInfoSession.
To contact Yarra Valley water for more information or questions, call 9872 2551 or email CommunitySewerage@yvw.com.au