Knox City Council will be hosting two free webinars for parents, carers and educators throughout July.
On Tuesday 19 July from 7pm to 8.30pm, a webinar will be hosted on Zoom and presented by clinical and educational psychologist Sonia Prescot, focusing on school transition and covering choosing the right school, questions to ask when visiting prospective schools, strategies to help prepare children for change and what to expect when starting at a new school.
The second website will focus on parents, carers and educators of neurodivergent children on Tuesday 26 July from 7pm to 8.30pm. Hosted by Counsellor Kristie McMaster, it will discuss the importance of social skills for neurodivergent children and strategies to support children in building self-esteem, identity, belonging and mental health.
To register, visit knox-vic-gov-au.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ttv9roulQMuSDdVzYT2aNw