Knox City Council has announced due to high interest in borrowing the My Energy and Water Saver, they have introduced three more kits at Eastern Regional Libraries networks for a total of six available kits.
Designed to help households save energy costs by identifying causes of high electricity and water usage, the kit consists of a thermal imaging camera, power meter, stopwatch, thermometer, CSIRO Home Energy Saving Handbook and an instruction guide.
The initiative is a partnership between Knox, Maroondah and Yarra Ranges Council, with the kits been borrowed 32 times since January.
Knox households account for 18% of total greenhouse emissions in our community,” Knox City Council said.
“This initiative is supported by our Climate Response Plan 2021-2031, which aims to help our community lower emissions, and reach net zero by 2040.”
Kits can be reserved to loan at https://yourlibrary.spydus.com/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/FULL/WPAC/BIBENQ/65008155/12953842,1