Andrew Fillip-Gautier
Upon conclusion of Halloween on the Green 2022, without taking into account the approximate weight of single-use packaging avoided, the event achieved a minimum landfill diversion of 73 per cent.
Taking the single use packaging avoided through the implementation of a reusable crockery system, an 89 per cent diversion from landfill was achieved.
Although attendance numbers almost doubled between 2019 and 2022’s event, total landfill decreased dramatically.
The Philanthropic Collective believes this was due to a combination of factors, including the reusable crockery system, organic waste stream, and event patron education.
The Philanthropic Collective also congratulates our community for achieving a hugely positive environmental result, and are excited to work with B-Alternative in the future to achieve even more progressive results.
A total of 220 kilograms of materials were managed into different recovery and waste streams this year at Halloween on the Green.
73 per cent (160 kilograms) of waste was diverted from landfill and utilised as various resources.
Additionally, total landfill was 60 kilograms.
300 kilograms of single use packaging was avoided by implementing a reusable crockery system.
Combining the other resources diverted, a total of 460 kilograms of materials were diverted from landfill.
A total waste from landfill diversion of 89 per cent was achieved, including single use packaging avoided.
PET bottles recycled was a very small 1 kilogram and was therefore excluded from tables and figures.