Re-elected Labor government announces new cabinet

Premier Daniel Andrews announced his new cabinet on Monday 5 December. Picture: ON FILE

The new Victorian cabinet was sworn in on Monday 5 December, as Premier Daniel Andrews aims to deliver on his election promises of bringing back the SEC, delivering free kinder for every child, 50 new government-owned childcare centres and building hospitals, schools, roads and rail projects.

Deputy Premier Jacinta Allen remains Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop and Minister for Commonwealth Games Delivery.

Alongside her role as Minister for Outdoor Recreation, Sonya Kilkenny replaces Lizzie Blandthorn as Minister for Planning.

Ms Blandthorn will be Deputy Leader in the Legislative Council and Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers, Child Protection and Family Services.

Tim Pallas remains Victoria’s treasurer, a position he has held since 2014, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Trade.

His assistant treasurer remains Danny Person, who will also be minister for the new Department of Government Services, Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC and Minister for Consumer Affairs.

Lily D’Ambrosio holds the Ministries for State Electricity Commission, Climate Action and Energy and Resources, leading the Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action.

Ingrid Sitt will replace Ms D’Ambrosio as Minister for Environment alongside her previous role as Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep.

Mary-Anne Thomas continues as Minister for Health as well as the role of Leader of the House. She also added Health Infrastructure and Medical Research to her portfolios.

The new minister for Ambulance Services is Gabriella Willaims, alongside the Ministry of Mental Health and for Treaty and First Peoples.

Minister for Industry and Innovation Ben Carroll has added Manufacturing Sovereignty and Employment alongside being the Minister for Public Transport.

Gayle Tierney retained her role as the Minister for Training and Skills, Higher Education, and Agriculture.

Melissa Horne becomes the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, alongside her role as Minister for Ports and Freight, Local Government, and Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation.

Natalie Hutchins remains Minster for Education, and Women and will lead the Department of Education.

Anthony Carbines continues as Minster for Police, Crime Preventing and Racing.

Steve Dimopoulos also continues as Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, and Creative Industries.

There are a few new faces too, with Enver Erdogan entering the Labor ministry with the portfolios of Corrections, Youth Justice and Victim Support, and Natalie Suleyman becoming the Minister for Youth, Small Business, and Veterans.

Ros Spence continues as Minister for Community support as well as the new role as Minister for Suburban Development.

Harriet Shing remains Minister for Water, Minister for Regional Development and Minister for Equality and has added the portfolio of Commonwealth Games if she retains our seat in the Senate. Premier Daniel Andrews will have her current responsibilities until the counting of the Upper House finishes.