Facts about Lone Pine and the Anzac action

Three facts about Lone Pine. Picture: ON FILE

1. Major offensive

On 6 August 1915 the 1st Australian Infantry Division launched a major offensive at Plateau 400 on Gallipoli. The ridges, once covered with the Aleppo pine, had been cleared to provide cover for the Turkish trenches, leaving just one, solitary pine.

2. Growing tall

The Aleppo pine is a medium-to-large tree that grows at a medium rate up to an approximate height of 20 metres and a width of up to 15 metres. The trunk can grow up to one metre in diameter.

3. No known grave

Lone Pine Cemetery is the location of the Memorial to the Missing in the Anzac area of Gallipoli and is situated on the ground captured by the Australians during the battle. It commemorates 4224 Australians who have no known grave. There are 652 Australians buried at Lone Pine cemetery.