Opportunity open for businesses to join local career expo

Come to a youth career expo. Picture: ON FILE

Put your business on the map in the Knox community, by supporting bringing our local youths into employment.

The Knox Chamber of Commerce is encouraging local businesses to donate their time to an upcoming expo designed to increase workers coming into the force in the municipality.

On August 24 the Knox Innovation Opportunity and Sustainability Centre will play host to the 2023 Knox Youth Career expo in Wantirna South.

The expo is tailored to young people seeking pathways to work alternative to university.

Local employers and businesses are being encouraged to participate, offering a unique opportunity for local employers and industry to connect with and support young people in the community while building their businesses.

It allows employers and business owners to generate awareness, gain a fresh perspective from local youths that can provide valuable insights on strategy, plans, policies and more, positive publicity, all while investing in future success.

Participants are expected to commit three hours of their time on the evening of Thursday, 24th August to set up a booth and engage with the young people of Knox about their business and industry.

The venue will provide trestle tables, however participants are welcome to bring their own signage and tablecloths to identify their stalls.

There is no cost to have a stall at this event, and participants are requested to arrive no later than 4.00pm to set up their area before attendees arrive.

Participants may share materials about their company and broader industry and engage with attendees about any current employment opportunities they may have.

Consider and respond at your earliest convenience, as we have limited spaces, with preference provided to those who confirm their attendance first.