Recognition for academic excellence of the highest

Jasmine Andrews was the recipient of the Premier's VCE award for studies in Horticulture and Agriculture for 2022. Picture: Supplied.

A Knox local has been a recent recipient of a prestigious award in Victoria.

Jasmine (Jas) Andrews has been awarded the Premier’s Victorian Certificate of Education award for 2022, in Agricultural and Horticultural studies.

The previous 2022 College Co-Captain at Mater Christi has always been passionate about the natural world and now hopes to become an Ecologist.

She is known by the school community for her calm, reliable, and caring nature.

Jasmine said keeping a balance between her studies, outside interests, and relationships was the key to her VCE success.

“I used to put a lot of pressure on myself to complete tasks, exams and speeches without any flaws.

“One day, I realised how unrealistic this was when speaking with Mrs Fitz-Gerald, and she told me sometimes you won’t get the marks you hoped for, and that’s OK.

“This really stuck with me and changed the way I approach things,” she said.

Mater Christi school said in Years 11 and 12, Jas tried to ensure she kept a good balance between school and other pursuits to maintain her motivation and avoid burnout.

“I always put aside time for work, hobbies, volunteering, leadership and being with family and friends throughout Year 12.

“At first, I was worried taking time out would affect my studies, but I do believe it is what allowed me to do well,” said Ms Andrews.

Volunteering from an early age cemented Jasmine’s passion for flora and fauna and led to her ongoing desire to work in conservation.

In Year 9, Ms Andrews joined the Friends of Sassafras Creek (FOSC) – a group of interested community members who work to protect and enhance the Sassafras Creek Nature Conservation Reserve.

As part of her Personal Project in Year 10, she researched and wrote a paper on fauna survey work she had conducted in the area.

She edited her findings, with the help of Latrobe University Research Officer Alex Maisey, for publication in The Victorian Naturalist Magazine.

“That project taught me so much, not only about the natural world and the pressures it faces but also the importance of community in overcoming these challenges,” said Ms Andrews.

Currently, Jasmine is studying Wildlife and Conservation Biology at Deakin University, with hopes to take on opportunities as a seasonal park ranger or work on volunteer programs overseas, to gain experience with a view to becoming an Ecologist who provides advice and collaborates with farmers and organisations to improve biodiversity.

The Premier’s VCE Awards are an annual award that recognises students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE).

At the award presentation ceremony held on 27 July, with a total of 331 awards, including 34 Top All-Round VCE High Achiever Awards, presented in recognition of the exceptional dedication and hard work of students during the 2022 VCE.

More than 1000 guests attended the prestigious ceremony this year.