Wild 4 Knox webinar


Join Knox City Council for the next Wild 4 Knox free webinar on Tuesday 19 September from 6.30pm to 7.30pm celebrating Knox’s waterways.

Waterways are biodiversity hotspots and a part of everyday life for the Knox community.

They visit our local creeks and wetlands to connect with nature, socialise and to be active outdoors.

Dr Rhys Coleman is an aquatic ecologist who currently manages the waterways and wetlands research program at Melbourne Water.

Hear from him about collective efforts to protect and improve the health of our waterways within the City of Knox, including threatened aquatic wildlife such as platypus and the dwarf galaxias fish (Galaxiella pusilla).

We will also learn about how we can support healthier waterways.

Wild 4 Knox is a partnership between Knox Environment Society and Knox City Council.

Join them throughout the year as we explore four biodiversity topics with informative webinars and interactive workshops.

Contact their Biodiversity team (biodiversity@knox.vic.gov.au) for more information.

Register for the webinar at knox-vic-gov-au.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gsDlAvbGRvi3tXQL5HskkA#/