Do you know someone who has done amazing things in the Cardinia Shire community?
Nominations for Cardinia Shire’s Australia Day awards for 2024 are now open.
Cardinia Shire’s 2024 Australia Day Award winners will be announced on Thursday 25 January.
Awards are presented in several categories, including citizen of the year, senior citizen of the year, young citizen of the year and community event of the year.
The awards recognise those who have shown a willingness to lend a helping hand, concern for the environment or participated in sport, arts or cultural endeavours.
They share the aspirations of all Australians in respect of tolerance, democracy, equity and equality of opportunity.
Those who wish to submit a nomination are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Australia Day Award nomination guidelines before making a nomination.
For the individual awards individuals must be an Australian citizen, a resident of Cardinia Shire and willing to accept the award.
A nominee for an award should demonstrate that they take the lead and show leadership, are a positive role model or mentor, promote the overall welfare and wellbeing of the community, participate in and have achievements in community activities, academic, sporting, personal, cultural, environment and/or civic responsibility, have not received the same award in the past 5 years and are not a current serving councillor.
In addition, the young Citizen of the year nominees must be under 25 years on 26 January of the year the award is given, and the senior citizen of the year nominees must be at least 70 years on 26 January of the year the award is given.
Nominations will not be accepted for individuals for service in a position of paid employment and awards will not be granted posthumously.
Winners over 18 years of age must be willing to undergo a Victoria Police criminal records check (at Council’s expense), and winners (over 18 years) must undergo a Volunteer Working with Children Check.
Locals nominated for the community event award must have had their event hosted onsite or virtually within Cardinia Shire between 1 November 2022 and 1 November 2023, been open and accessible to all Cardinia Shire residents, showcased aspects of the local community, been managed appropriately and not received the award in the past 5 years.
The organising group of the event must be not-for-profit and community-focused, based in Cardinia Shire and service people in Cardinia Shire
an incorporated body with a public liability insurance policy to adequately cover their event or a Community Asset Committee.
Nominations must address the purpose of the event and the outcomes, impact of the event on the community, the level of community participation, ongoing sustainability, and success of staying within budget.
To submit nominations, go to cardinia.smartygrants.com.au/AD2024