Artisans work on show at Belgrave Big Dreams Market

Leah and Marianne having a look at some colourful craft flowers. Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS. 372865_02

Star Mail’s photographer Stewart Chambers hit the streets on Sunday 12 November, landing him among the fun at the Belgrave Big Dreams Market.

From handmade goodies to delicious hot food and live music, the market comes to life on the second Sunday of the month on Reynolds Lane.

November’s market doubled in stallholder size and people certainly lapped up the warmer weather.

The makers market puts a spotlight on local artisans and encourages the community to buy with conscience, particularly leading up to the Christmas period.

Some of the small, handmade businesses included bath botanicals, candles, wooden toys, clothing, jewellery, bags and ceramics.

Here’s a selection of photos from the November market.