By Gabriella Vukman
This year Forestry Fire management Victoria commissioned the Knox and District Woodworkers club to build a miniature Unimog fire vehicle.
This model was displayed at the Merry Monbulk street party last Friday December 2, and was well received by the evening’s festive party-goers.
Member of the Knox & District Woodworkers Club, Andre Cook fabricated and designed the Miniature Unimog model or the ‘Minimog’ as it is also known.
Andre said, “Forest Fire Management Victoria wanted the model to be built in the shape of the Unimog, -their great big truck, and so we designed the Minimog to have that appearance.”
“The Minimog is designed for kids to get in and pretend to be firefighters.”
Whilst the Knox and District ‘Woodies’ were previously commissioned by the SES to build a vehicle, the Minimog is the first build of its own, particular design.
Andre informed that the Knox Woodies were supplied with a photo of the Unimog off of which they were to base their miniature replica.
“I drew up the plans. The only thing that the forestry fire thing did for us was give me a picture of the real Unimog and they asked if I could make them something that looks like that. So I made the Minimog from the Unimog picture.” Andre said.
“The whole creating process took just over a month.”
The Minimog is made out of good quality plywood with few mechanical parts.
Andre described the process as being “like all woodwork. You never get it right the first time even if you do all the planning in the world.”
“We’re proud of what we do, we’ve got our own little badges on there too,” Andre said.
“It means a lot to the club in the way that we feel proud that we’ve been recognised and that people are coming to us for the skills of some of our people.”
“We have woodies from all walks of life here at the Knox and District Woodworkers club. We welcome anyone keen to just come here to do some wood work.”