Holy Fools opens new drop in centre, achieves ‘primary dream’

Holy Fools founder Neal Taylor stands in the empty new home of the drop in centre at 19 Hutchinson Street Lilydale. Pictures: LJUBICA VRANKOVIC.

By Mikayla van Loon

Homelessness not-for-profit organisation, Holy Fools, secured a space in Lilydale to set up the only drop in centre for urban Yarra Ranges in an exciting end to 2023.

Taking over the lease on the property at 19 Hutchinson Street, Holy Fools founder and CEO Neal Taylor said it all just fell into place at the right time.

“It was just the right timing. The lease on our office in Montrose is up for renewal and we’ve loved being in that place but the problem was that the lease was coming up and they wanted to increase the rent. So we thought we’d just have a look around,” he said.

Having previously been the CIS Yarra Ranges Op Shop, the building was needing a new purpose with plans for the space already being developed.

“We’ll keep the office going on a much smaller scale here and be more of a drop in centre for people.

“So the plan is to scale back some of the stuff that we were doing but go back to doing some of our roots work.

“[We would like to look at] building a disabled toilet, disabled shower, and also a wet area for a washing machine. So that’s the vision. We want to have a kitchen in here as well and also a space for people to hang out.”

Around 12 years ago, when Holy Fools was just getting started, Neal said a collaboration with the Salvation Army saw the set up of a drop in centre on Clarke Street but it was much smaller in size.

“This is a much larger space and we can have the shower and the toilets here, we’ve got the space to be able to offer this stuff now. We could do a lot in here and help people.

“Both the showers and washing machines are two big things that people who are on the street are desperately needing and we’re able to provide those and give them some care.”

Local plumbers and electricians have already offered to help get the space ready, with Neal hoping to engage TAFE students as well to help with the refurbishment.

Not only does Neal have hopes of this Lilydale drop in centre acting as a base for Holy Fools but also for other homelessness and housing support organisations.

“This could also be a referral centre for anyone who needs help. So Anchor was quite excited to be able to talk to people down here. We’ll work with Stable One when it’s back in operation over the winter and things of that sort to help people when they need it,” he said.

Neal said he has also had discussions with Feed One Feed All and Outer East Foodshare about setting up a community cupboard or food drop off point to add to the services provided.

In prime position for foot traffic, shoppers and commuters, the 19 Hutchinson Street location will be an easy access point for people who need support or advice.

“This has been our primary dream, to have a space like this,” Neal said.

“There’s lots of possibilities but we need to be wise about what we’re doing so we’re not just doing it for the sake of doing it, we’re doing it for a reason.”

A date hasn’t been set for the opening of the centre, the plan being just to chip away at getting set up over the coming months as the not-for-profit finds the funds and the resources.

Getting back to the normal programming of Street Angels on Wednesday 17 January, Neal said for now the space will be used as a wet weather venue for the community lunches.

On Sunday 14 January an open day was held to allow people to explore the new space and ask any questions relating to its use or volunteering.

The Chirnside Park ARC facility will remain open as normal.