Police all on all Knox residents with CCTV cameras

Police are asking for the Knox community with CCTV to assist them. Picture: FACEBOOK

Victoria Police have put a call out on social media for assistance from Knox residents with CCTV cameras and will soon be knocking door to door to request help from the local community.

Police can map community CCTV cameras and utilise this network to assist in identifying people of interest and solving crimes.

They have asked the community that If they have CCTV, to please email the details below to EYEWATCH-KNOX-MGR@police.vic.gov.au

• Name of camera owner

• Contact phone number

• Email address

• Business name (if applicable)

• Camera address

• CCTV Location/Coverage ie: Cam 1, driveway, facing street north-west • Storage time (how long video stays on the system)

Local police units from the Knox Police Service area will also be out and about knocking on doors to obtain these details – but people can assist by emailing the information above through.

Any assistance from our community is greatly appreciated