The new look Burwood Highway and McMahons Road, Ferntree Gully intersection is now open following the completion of major works on the project.
Coming in on time, the Burwood Highway and McMahons Road intersection upgrade recently switched on the traffic lights on 21 February to the first set of vehicles and pedestrians.
Member for Bayswater Jackson Taylor said he was excited to now see the new Burwood Highway and McMahons Road intersection open to locals.
“This is all about getting people home safer and sooner,” he said.
Major Road Projects Victoria Program Director Brendan Pauwels said it’s fantastic to see the new look Burwood Highway and McMahons Road signalised intersection completed on schedule this week.”
The recent nightworks to lay the top layer of asphalt and place the line marking was completed earlier this week and the upgraded intersection is now open to traffic.
McMahons Road and Clyde Street are now open to left and right movements through the new intersection while the new pedestrian crossings also provide a safer route for locals to get across the Burwood Highway.
The Burwood Highway – McMahons Road intersection upgrade has:
· Improved efficiencies in the transport network by reducing peak hour travel time variability and increasing the number of vehicles that can travel along the corridor each hour
· Improved road safety and reducing crash rates by upgrading the intersection and installing pedestrian operated crossings
· Enabled more active and inclusive communities by making it easier and safer for pedestrians to cross the road.
Mr Taylor said he was also pleased to see the massive project finished on schedule as promised.
“Thanks to locals for your patience during works which includes a new signalised intersection, new lighting and new lanes on Burwood Highway. And of course – a big thanks to all those who worked on the project,” he said.
“This intersection is combatting congestion, saving time and proving safer journeys for drivers and pedestrians alike through Ferntree Gully,” Mr Pauwels said.