Local Eildon MP Cindy McLeish has called on the State Government to hold a community drop-in session in the Yarra Ranges as part of its Wild Dog Control planning for the 2024-25.
Speaking in Parliament Ms McLeish said the Department of Agriculture was virtually ignoring the wild dog problem across the Yarra Ranges, highlighting examples from Yellingbo, Hoddles Creek, and Dixons Creek.
“I have met with landowners across the Yarra Ranges about the impact wild dogs are having on their livelihoods,” she said.
“In Hoddles Creek there is one farmer who had several sheep severely attacked and requiring veterinary care.”
“There have been sightings of packs of wild dogs coming on to private property that borders the forest.”
“Yarra Ranges residents are calling for Wild Dog Management plans and a local trapper to help them manage the wild dogs in the area,” she said.
The Department of Agriculture is hosting a series of community ‘drop-in’ sessions for locals to discuss wild dog management with their local Wild Dog Controller and provide input on the Wild Dog Program’s wild dog control.
These meetings are being held across the Hume and Gippsland regions.
Ms McLeish recently attended a meeting in Merrijig.
She said whilst it was a good opportunity for locals to discuss local action and management plans, she was disappointed that these drop-in sessions were only being held in the Hume and Gippsland regions.
“The wild dog problem is no longer contained to just these regions,” she said.
“The Minister responsible needs to wake up to the reality that these voracious predators have migrated south and are endangering the lives of livestock and posing a significant threat to the safety and livelihoods of Yarra Ranges residents.”
“Farmers need certainty that there will be no reduction to the wild dog control program and certainty that dog trapper staff will be available.”
Wild dogs continue to have a significant and detrimental impact on the communities, livestock, and native wildlife across much of Northeast Victoria.
The Victorian Department of Agriculture estimates that wild dogs cost livestock producers an estimated $13 to $18 million annually.
Farmers and Residents must report wild dog sightings their local Wild Dog Controller or call/email 136 186 or wild.dogs@delwp.vic.gov.au