Shamsiya Hussainpoor
Residents in The Patch have witnessed yet another car rolled over in front of their driveway.
According to the resident’s description of the accident, the car had lost control and went down an embankment late afternoon on Wednesday 3 April, on Monbulk Road near Kays Picnic Ground.
The road was blocked from between 5:30 to 6pm.
According to the Department of Transportation and Planning data, in the five-year to June 2023, there have been 16 reported crashes along Monbulk Road between Perrins Creek Road and Olinda-Monbulk Road with two resulting in serious injury and zero fatalities.
The resident said the car was travelling from Monbulk direction, skidded across the road on the corner before Kays Picnic Ground entrance, travelling down the embankment – opposite their neighbours driveway.
“Thankfully the car didn’t hit a vehicle travelling from Kallista,” the resident said.
An ambulance was called, however the driver was not taken to hospital.
The resident who asked to be anonymous was returning from Monbulk, after collecting Star Trader, with a front page article of a previous accident.
Residents in The Patch have had enough and they are desperately asking VicRoads for actions.
Monbulk Police said they have attended the accident.
The Department of Transportation and Planning was contacted for a comment.