By Prue Licht, Casey Grandmothers for Refugees
Refugee Week begins on 16 June this year. At this time we must recognise that many people from across the world, who live in Australia, remain in extremely difficult, insecure and often perilous circumstances.
While some people have been given extended visas and even permanency, many are left waiting for years for their applications to be processed in a quagmire of inconsistency and unending bureaucratic red tape.
There are still thousands of refugees, who left war and unimaginable danger and hardship in their countries of origin and came by boat over 11 years ago, who still remain without any certainty in their future.
On Sunday 16 June Casey, Deakin and Latrobe’s branches of Grandmothers for Refugees are holding a Feast of Foods lunch at Emerald Evergreens Senior Citizens Centre, 8 Church Street Emerald, at midday, to raise money for 50 men, some of whom have wives and children, about 100 people in all, still living in Papua New Guinea.
These men were on Manus Island and were moved to Port Moresby several years ago when the Australian detention Centre closed. Several of the men are extremely ill and need to be brought to Australia to receive medical care.
The men and their families have no support from either the Australian or Papuan Governments so are reliant on charity for their daily expenses. Some are waiting for third country placements.
There will be delicious food, a belly dancer and music to delight you. You can book with Erica on 0423 615 662, or donate to support the men by contacting Prue on 0447 546 327.